We sat down with Marcio Rambo, a talented artist who has shared many amazing artworks and concepts with the Fault community.
Hi my friends!
I am Marcio Rambo. I am 36 years old, married, and I have one 10-year-old son. My full-time job is graphic design for an office (not mine).
The majority of the time I begin with a rough sketch on paper, sometimes I do all work in the traditional way with pen and paper and sometimes digital. All my inspiration comes from the games I play, and the movies and animes I watch.
Well, I remember I started drawing when I was 5 years old. All my life I kept studying art and playing games. I’m not the party guy type. For a while it was hard to find a way to make money with my art, Brazil is not the best place for this. Just a few years ago I got a job as a designer and I have never given up on my dream to have at least one of my creations in a game.
Mad Madureira, Masamuse Shirow, Yoshitaka Amano, there are so many artists that I can’t remember who have moved me as well.
As a Paragon widow, I cannot accept the end of one of my favorite games of all time so, I was always looking for some news on indie companies and projects, That’s when I found Fault!
I am always watching Britik, Sylphin, Mangoose, and all the YouTubers that play Fault. That’s why I hope for a PS4 announcement soon since my notebook is not the greatest for playing games. My fave hero is my big boy Sevarog.
They can find me on Twitter, Instagram and I’m just starting my account on Artstation.
I just want my art to be as good as possible for the community and thank you to everyone that likes and shares my work online. :)
At Strange Matter Studios, we are invested in rebuilding and improving upon the 3D action MOBA genre.