Lt Belica is a ranged burst mage who excels at controlling and punishing enemies who frequently use abilities. As a police woman, she utilizes a trusty drone to empower her attacks and punish her enemies by deploying it on the battlefield to attack those that use abilities. Seismic Assault unleashes a rolling wave of energy that damages and disrupts any target caught in its wake, while Void Bomb utilizes powerful technology to damage units and replenish some of Lt Belica's mana. When facing really tough oponents, no foe yet has been able to handle the full might of her Neural Disruptor, which annihilates enemies with a massive energy pulse that deals massive damage. Fight foes that like to test your capabilities with their abilities and unleash the full might of the law on the battlefield.
At Strange Matter Studios, we are invested in rebuilding and improving upon the 3D action MOBA genre.