Content Minions Ranged and Siege minions have new projectile VFX.
Items Added SFX to the following items:
Adrenaline Shot Blessing Of The Divine Bloodlust Sabre Cosmic Intervention Gate Scroll Goblin Glue Jar Of hearts NirvanaJewel Phantomblade Health Potion Mana Potion Omni Potion Purity Of The Ancients Quantum Shift Radiant Poise Robe Of Miracles Substitution Telepath's Trinket Traveler's Augment Unyielding Mantle
Bug Fixes General Fixed an issue causing heroes to fly further than intended when stunned mid air. Fixed an issue causing animations to occasionally not play when an ability is set to instant cast. Fixed an issue causing heroes to be able to move while backing. Fixed an issue allowing item names to be changed.
Minions Fixed an issue causing minion projectiles to not follow the target. Fixed an issue causing minion projectiles to pass through the minion before destroying itself.
Items Targeted Adjuster Fixed an issue causing Devourer’s Blade to not show up as an upgrade path in the item shop.
Aspects Beast Hunter Fixed an issue when killing multiple jungle creeps at once, which would only give 1 stack. Heroes GRIM.exe Fixed Grim.EXE passive tooltip to show the proper amount of on-hit and detonation damage. Kallari Fixed an issue causing Kallari to be unable to auto-run. Fixed a bug causing Kallari to spawn in as Rogue Kallari when default skin was selected.
Sevarog Siphon (Q): Fixed an issue causing Siphon Cooldown to start off at a lower Cooldown than intended. 7/8/7/6/5 to 9/8/7/6/5 second Cooldown. Subjugate (E): Added Learn Tab Damage and Scaling information that was missing.
Sparrow Inner Fire (R): Fixed an issue causing the projectiles to blur the screen around them.
Twinblast Ventilate (R): Fixed an issue causing Ventilates damage to deal energy damage to towers.
Minions Projectile speed on range and siege minions reduced to 45%.
ItemsGoblin Glue Added 1 Physical Power favour scaling.
Gravedigger’s Crossbow Increased physical power from 50 to 60. Reduced attack speed from 35 to 25. Change favour scaling from 1 Physical Power to 1 Attack Speed. Removed lifesteal. Replaced Voracious Steel component with Orion Carbine.
Luminous Liquid Cost reduced from 800 to 650. Attack speed reduced from 30 to 25.
Stealth Emblem Cooldown reduced from 300-150 to 270-90 (based on level). Ward duration reduced from 120-150 to 90-150 (based on level).
Titan’s Armour Stack cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds. Health reduced from 125 to 100. Added 1 Health Regen.
Aspects Hunter Reduced attack speed from 25% to 20%.
Heroes Gadget Anti-Personnel Mine (Q): Energy power scaling increased from 80% to 85%. Disruptor Drone (RMB): Energy power scaling per tick increased from 7.5% to 10% (52.5% to 70% total).
GRIM.exe MODE.exe (E): Energy per Acceleron and Electron basic attack increased from 40/35/30/25/20 to 45/42/39/36/33. On-hit damage reduced from 6-74 to 4-40 (based on level) SURGE.exe (P): Detonation damage reduced from 12-148 to 12-120 (based on level).
Grux Seismic Pull (Q): Starting range increased from 600 to 750. Starting angle reduced from 90 to 80. Max range reduced from 1300 to 1200. Max range channel time increased from 0.8 to 1.
Riktor Chain Pull (RMB): Pull range reduced from 2000 to 1800. Chain travel speed reduced by 25% and hitbox reduced slightly.
Sparrow Mark of Precision (E): Attack speed duration increased from 3 at all levels to 3/3.5/4/4.5/5 second. Inner Fire (R): Side projectile angle reduced from 15 to 10 degrees.
Twinblast Grenades (Q): Base damage reduced from 50/70/90/110/130 to 40/60/80/100/120. Physical power scaling increased from 30% to 35%. Rocket Dash (E): Dash distance changed from 500/550/600/650/700 to 500 at all levels. Mana cost changed from 35/40/45/50/55 to 55/45/35/25/15. Rapid Fire (RMB): Additional Basic Attack Damage per Passive Stack reduced from 1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5 to 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2. Ventilate (R): Cooldown increased from 90/70/50 to 100/80/60. Overdrive (P): Movement speed per stack reduced from 0.8/1.3/1.7/2.1/2.5 to 0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5.