
Optimization, Bug fixes, and more!
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We have performed a large optimization overhaul on the map to help correct fps issues. We will continue to monitor this issue on all ranges of player PC's and push fixes as needed.

Unreal Engine 4.27

We have recently moved Fault to the newer version of the Unreal Engine!

This change comes with many benefits to development and is another step towards improving the overall feel of our game. Updating to 4.27 was needed for some future large-scale plans that we hope to share with you soon.

We have some big things coming in our next set of in-game updates and we will continue to share all the details with you through our Discord, Social Posts, and Dev Streams.

Due to this change the Steam update will be much larger then normal, roughly 15 GB.

Bug Fixes



  • Fixed an issue where Queen was not giving Spellvamp.


  • Fixed an issue causing Pelt Hunter to stack past 100.

— Strange Matter Team
January 2, 2022

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At Strange Matter Studios, we are invested in rebuilding and improving upon the 3D action MOBA genre.

Fault uses Unreal Engine. Unreal is a trademark or registered trademark of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. Unreal Engine, Copyright 1998 – 2022
Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved