Currently, one issue we have observed in our game is that build paths between tiers of items are very costly and the tree system doesn't give the player limited legendary item choices when building a tier 1 item, which essentially locks that player into that specific item tree from the start. Changing from a tree based system to a recipe based system should not only allow players to build multiple components to an item and for smaller upgrade costs, but also allows the player more build diversity since lower tier components now build into far more legendary items. Our current goal is for most upgrade costs between items to be between 400-800 gold so that players can have more efficient itemization and feel more impact from their backs to buy items. We will be watching this new system and adjusting accordingly if we feel it is needed.
Currently, supports have limited options on how they can effectively generate gold, needing to be able to attack enemies in lane leaves heroes like Steel at a massive disadvantage compared to some supports such as Dekker, who have multiple ways to proc their abilities. Adding these new support items should not only give all heroes an item path fitting to their playstyle, but should also give supports a build path into more gold generation early on.
Scrying Stone now Upgrades into Scryer’s Obelisk, gaining increased gold generating effects and additional stats.
Starter Items are finally here! The concept behind these was to not only give meaningful sustain through the starter item you choose, but to also have a slight increase in the effectiveness of these items in lane, once you meet the quest associated with the item.
Currently, our purple items seem to not have a clear meaning as to what their specific niche is supposed to be. This, along with the purple aspects added in previous patches, is meant to open up the purple faction for assassins such as Kallari, and slowly let us roll out some of the other items such as Eldritch Flame into factions more suitable for what they give the player. We will be trying to add more items like these in the future.
At Strange Matter Studios, we are invested in rebuilding and improving upon the 3D action MOBA genre.